Welcome to The Open Heart Chronicles!
This newsletter is your entryway to a more empowered, fully expressed way of living. Here, you’ll get access to my abstract art creation process (including first dibs on new work - whoop!), my inner most thoughts on personal growth experiences, and tips for creating a nourishing home.
Let The Open Heart Chronicles guide you deeper in to your own heart, so you can step forward in confidence to say YES to what lights your soul on fire.
So, who’s Kate?
I spent my post-university years following the safe path, living for vacation and wondering if there was more to life than the mundane routine I was leading. Until one day I couldn’t bear the thought of dying so unfulfilled, and committed to make a change.
The day I picked up a paintbrush to create an ambitiously large canvas for my rental home, I reclaimed ownership over my choices and began challenging my beliefs. I wanted to reconnect to the little girl version of myself who was full of curiosity, energy and awe.
Now, I’m on a mission to help others feel re-inspired in their own lives so they can build the belief that they’re capable of creating their dreams - limitations and convention be damned.
Why subscribe?
It’s time to nourish your dreams and unleash your limitless potential. Unlock insights to a more inspired life through art, home and personal growth direct from your inbox.
Oh, and you’ll get first dibs on new art releases so you can worry less about someone else nabbing the one of one original painting you love.
Want more?
Browse playful, vibrant art for your home.
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Email hello@katerogerscreations.com for collabs or to chat