What are heart sparks, anyways?
Your brain is designed to keep you safe. Your heart is created to align your life with your soul.
My birthday, in recent years, has been wrought with increasing intention, much like my life. I could attribute this to events that were inopportune (at the time). Events that challenged what I thought I knew, presented a new path forward and invited me to change how I relate.
Once, a day to mindlessly celebrate turning another year older, is now a time I hold sacred, to align more closely to how I want to live and what I want to cultivate more of.
It’s become an anchor. One that both feels heavy, and grounding. I’m grateful for the dissonance as it keeps me questioning: what feels right? What doesn’t? What can I let go of? How can I better honour the new layers of myself that I’m meeting?
Since 2023, in the month leading up to my birthday, messages have revealed themselves that have felt important to share.
But nothing came to me this month. I took it as a sign to keep trusting that what I’m meant to know will be revealed when it’s time.
That time was today.
An opportunity crossed my path. One I had contemplated in theory but hadn’t given much credence to actually pursuing. It certainly wasn’t a priority to make a point to seek out, and I haven’t thought much about the possibility in a long while.
But today I was reminded of my core mission in life, and in my business, and how this was a beautiful opportunity to live aligned to my own message.
Follow your heart sparks. I say this often. But what does it actually mean?
It means going for it anyways when you feel YES in your body before you think about all the reasons not to.
Even when it doesn’t make logical sense.
Even when you have plenty of excuses and rationale to talk yourself out of it.
Even when it’s a long shot.
Following your heart sparks means giving more weight to the feeling than you do the thoughts.
Remember: your brain is designed to keep you safe. Your heart is created to align your life with your soul.
They have different missions. And they each have their place.
The key to a you-can-have-it-all life is knowing when to discern between the two.
Sometimes safety means staying small. Sometimes it means second guessing. But safety that once was necessary doesn’t always need to have a place at the table.
Your heart wants you to be big. It wants you to be bold. It wants you to be daring. Because, deep down, below all the self-doubts, limiting beliefs and unhelpful conditioning, you want that for yourself, too.
Your heart yearns to be given just as much, if not more, airtime as your brain.
So listen.
Let your soul come out to play.
Step in to the unknown.
Ask more from yourself.
Go for it anyways.
And then release the outcome.
Because the real magic is in the doing, not the getting.
In taking the steps to build the resilience, the comfort and the confidence to keep going for it, only bigger next time.
Until you’ve created a life you couldn’t possibly have dreamed of prior to letting your heart guide your way.
That’s my hope for you. I wish for you all the bigness you can muster, and then some.
So what’s one thing you can do today to honour your heart?
I’ll be spending today honouring that for myself, and I hope you’ll join me.
Here with you in the heart adventures,
P.S. Below is a new piece of art that I just finished, created to serve as a physical anchor to guide you in connecting with, and pursuing your heart journey. More details here.
There is nothing small about you or your life. I feel bolder just being in the same room.
PS I can never see a purple room in quite the same way after sanding Alex’s walls! 😂